We are extremely pleased to invite you to our event at köln to invite you. Here you can expect an extremely diverse range of ESG focus topics, carefully compiled by experts to create awareness. Significant sustainability strategies and case studies will be presented during the event to show you the many opportunities in this field.
Florian von Tucher
Chairman, EUTECH
Marcus Richter
CEO, Seecon
Jens Haarstrich
Attorney at Law, M&P Group
Sarah Kasap
Sr. Climate Manager, M&P Climate
Antonia Modersohn
M&P Climate
Florian von Tucher
Chairman, EUTECH
Mark Ludwig
Head of Energy+Climate, seecon
Mohamed Gharbi
Managing Director, M&P Climate
Alexander Pierer
Group Manager Measurement Technology and Condition Monitoring, Fraunhofer IWU
The SIERA Alliance (Sustainability, Impact, and Environmental Responsibility Alliance) is dedicated to the transformation of industries with a clear focus on sustainability. It is based on its I-ESG framework and is aligned with the CSRD standards and the European Green Deal. Through specialised councils, SIERA offers its members a common platform to share best practices, promote sustainable impact and foster green innovation. As an alliance, SIERA empowers companies to act responsibly and build a resilient, greener future.
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